Diskussion:Graphics Magick installieren

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was noch fehlt

   If you want to allow only executable files from /usr/local/php/bin for PHP applications, then you have to copy the files from /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (see result of 'rpm -qa GraphicksMagick') into /usr/local/php/bin. Otherwise you skip the following 2 steps. 

/usr/local # mkdir php /usr/local # cd php /usr/local/php # mkir bin /usr/local/php # cd bin /usr/local/php/bin # cp /usr/bin/animate . /usr/local/php/bin # cp /usr/bin/compare . ... /usr/local/php/bin # cp /usr/bin/xtp .

[edit] PHP Configuration

   Edit the php.ini file for the allowed include and executable file directories outside of the apache document root folder. 

safe_mode_include_dir = /usr/local/php/bin safe_mode_exec_dir = /usr/local/php/bin

[edit] Settings for TYPO3 >= 3.8

You can drop all "im..." settings from localconf.php except

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['im_path'] = '<path>'; 
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['im_version_5'] = 'gm';

und des weiteren die überprüfung des dummys und wie ich PHP CGI Konfiguriere